Friday, February 13, 2009

Do you ever wonder?

I try to stay balanced as far as what is spiritual and what is physical, & I'm figuring out how the emotions work--my wife helps me with that. The gnostics had ideas about the physical & spiritual kind of similar to what Plato said, if I remember correctly, but I'll leave that up to you to research for yourself. Overall, the way I see it, physical, emotional, & spiritual are all connected--which is easier for a woman to understand than a man (the whole spaghetti/waffles thing.)
Anyway, last week it seemed like everything was going wrong. I had been so sure I had been following the Lord's leading in going to graduate school, but I began to doubt that & doubt myself & just feel miserable. Looking back on it, though, I was on the edge of getting a cold, & I had gone a night without sleep (I went to bed & everything, but I'm not sure why I didn't fall asleep). I just had to remember what I know about God & remember what He's already done, & stop trying to figure everything out, & I felt much better. Everything still falls into place, which says to me God is in control!
I started reading the Psalms for my devotions, which I hadn't really read for awhile. Usually when I read the Bible I write down things I notice, & that's really good to do most of the time, but I had to recognize that sometimes I should just read it & think about it, & not worry about writing anything down. Angie has told me more than once that I just need to lighten up & not think so hard about things, & it's good advice!